Sword Art Online 9 – redemption?

So, here it is. A chance for Sword Art Online to prove that it can offer more than just extravagant moves and cool effects in a big battle. Does episode 10 deliver?

Well, first things first – virtual lunch time! Clearly, the real reason that Kirito teamed up with Asuna is because she makes the best grub. He tells her that she can’t sell her recipes because he wants to keep her food all to himself. It was probably meant to be really sweet, but with how they interact, it honestly feels like Asuna’s food is the most appealing thing about her as far as Kirito is concerned. They’re certainly not close enough to share anything really personal, because when Asuna asks Kirito why he fights with a one-handed sword and no shield, he does the whole angsty eyes thing and tells her nothing.

Klein hits the nail on the head here. Really cool-looking dungeon, by the way.

I like Klein. He always brings some fun to counterbalance Kirito’s mood. This time, he sees Asuna, goes “OMGSOLOPLAYERWIVHAWTBABEWTFBBQKIRITOUDAWWWG” and by the time he’s said all that, another guild (Aincrad Liberation Army) have shown up. Although obviously weakened, their meathead leader decides it’s a good idea to take The Gleam Eyes on themselves (people seem to ignore the thing about game death equating to real death a heck of a lot in this show), Kirito and co. follow, Asuna jumps in, Kirito rushes after her (so… is she close to him or not? I wish I could tell) and then it’s boss battle time!

Asuna rushes The Gleam Eyes, but is knocked back. Disappointingly, we don’t get to see the moment of impact.

The Gleam Eyes favours brute strength, so I was hoping that we’d see some inventiveness and finesse to overcome this since it doesn’t look like the group can match the boss’s sheer power. What we get instead is Kirito revealing a super-secret dual-wielding sword skill that nobody else has to totally pwn this guy!

Look, I have nothing against sparkly action. But I know the series does that well already. What I’m seeing here is just an even flashier display than before. It’s a power vs. power slugfest with no clever choreography, no sense of pain or danger, no variety in special moves (the boss has Slash, Punch and Easily Interrupted Breath Attack, none of which have any special aftereffects), and no real surprises as to how it’s going to end. I simply can’t engage in that kind of battle. In the end, Kirito is shown to only have a sliver of HP left, as if to say “Oh, we didn’t show you this in battle, but Kirito was pretty close to losing.” It’s a cheap attempt to inject some tension into the fight, but it’s a case of shutting the door after the horse has bolted.

After the battle, the first thoughts are of the fallen players. That’s how it should be in a game like this.

Kirito’s close shave has caused Asuna to review her priorities, and she announces her intention to leave the guild to stick with Kirito. Commander Heathcliff doesn’t like that, though, and challenges Kirito to a one-on-one duel for her! Let’s put the fact that we’ve seen this exact plot development in episode 8 aside for now, because maybe, just maybe, this is the battle that will get me to fall in love with Sword Art Online. So far it’s been all flash, but next week’s episode has a golden chance to remedy that with a battle against… hold the phone. This is the exact same thought I was left with at the end of last week’s episode! Ugh. On that bombshell, my expectations for episode 10 have plummeted. I live in hope, though, so until the fading flicker of hope inside me is extinguished, I’ll keep going with Sword Art Online.